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A Methodological Approach to Measuring the Impact of TAK-003 in Dourados, Brazil: Optimizing Strategies for Public Health
Takeda's tetravalent dengue vaccine TAK-003 has been approved by the Brazilian regulatory agency ANVISA, for the prevention of dengue disease in individuals aged 4–60 years. After approval, Dourados, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul became the world's first city to implement a mass vaccination campaign targeting ~120,000 individuals between 4–60 years old. Aiming to measure the impact of the vaccine in reducing dengue incidence, an ongoing collaborative, observational, population-based study using national surveillance and vaccination data was planned.
Objetivo (s)
Here, we describe the study's methodology, including its programmatic steps and public health relevance.
Material e Métodos
We conducted a collaborative assessment with multi-disciplinary researchers in Brazil to identify key programmatic areas for the successful implementation of the study. These areas included: feasibility and site selection assessment, methodology selection, vaccination program implementation, and public health importance.
Resultados e Conclusão
Identifying the public health problem, understanding the disease burden, local healthcare infrastructure, and strategic partnerships were crucial for a robust feasibility assessment. The selection of the analytical methods, such as time series analysis, was dependent on the national and local structure of the databases and data availability. Effective communication strategies and distribution channels were essential for increasing vaccination adoption and coverage, community mobilization, and sensitization. Implementing a vaccine impact study within an ongoing vaccination program requires thorough planning, execution, and analysis. Feasibility assessment, selection of analytical methods, having an early multi-stakeholder collaboration, and public health relevance are critical considerations during the planning stages of a study collecting real world data.
Palavras Chave
dengue; Brazil; Public health; vaccination
Eixo 10 | 3.Outras viroses humanas e veterinárias - Viroses emergentes e reemergentes
Prêmio Jovem Pesquisador
4.Não desejo concorrer
Benedetta Ghezzi, Cristina Valencia, Roberto Dias De Oliveira, Daniel Tsuha, Waldno Lucena Júnior, Alberta Di Pasquale, Morgan Mc Namara, Juliana Senra, Denise Abud, Julio Croda